Preserve Your Wealth.

Put Your Trust In Us.

Meet Phillip

  • Phillip’s family came to America following the Second World War.
  • He owns and operates a transportation business in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
  • Current Assets Value: $3.7 million.
  • Protection Strategy: Life Insurance Trust.

Over 25 Years Helping Hardworking People Like You

Gosselin Law has helped hardworking people like you for over 25 years. We strive to provide both the highest quality and most compassionate estate and trust planning representation possible. We are very proud of the work we have done to help local individuals and families protect their assets and preserve their wealth from excessive taxes, health care costs, litigation, liens, and other vulnerabilities.

We offer a case evaluation by phone to better understand your situation and we welcome clients to call our office anytime with questions about their estate and trust planning objectives.

John Gosselin & Darwin

You have worked hard your entire life. Now it's time to protect your assets and relax.

Straight Honest Talk About Preserving Your Wealth.

The Power of Trusts
A guide to trusts for asset protection, estate tax avoidance, and legacy management

Trusts are often thought of as something only for the ultra-rich. The Power of Trusts will open your eyes to how everyone can benefit from trusts and strategic investing to protect assets, optimize tax positions and provide a lasting legacy.
Read Our Guide

Trust Planning Secures Your Family Legacy For Generations To Come.

Preserving Family Wealth for over 25 Years.

Trusted legal advice

Top Call: (877) 803-1984